Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Quantum Physics and Spirituality

Quantum experiment with space station over texas; manipulating photons-->quantum "spooky" entanglement theory being researched by the ISS. When one photon of the pair is manipulated in a lab in Texas, its identical/"twin" particle on the ISS will react in direct relation, despite any amount of space/distance in between.

"twin connection" or supernatural bond exists between twin siblings?
strong supernatural bond evident in a mother's relationship with her newborn child. She can often "sense" or know what the baby needs. experience a super-natural bond that exists within the mind? though it is supernatural/metaphysical, it can be felt (6th sense-ish) and known (experienced) in the mind

this spiritually-energetic force that binds our consciousness to our other lives and other individuals' consciousnesses will soon be discovered to be very real... I think quantum physics and the concepts realized by the spooky entanglement phenomenon will be the basis for a human understanding of the spiritual fabric (for lack of a better term) of our reality. "the force."


The excerpt above is the skeleton of an entry that I wanted to write back in the summer... Never really got around to fleshing it out, as you can tell, but there it is. What's interesting is what I wrote for myself this evening after further investigating some key concepts of quantum physics. After feeling like I had a better grasp of what quantum physics has set out to explore and reveal about our universe, I felt inspired to write. It's rare that this happens, so I went ahead and obliged myself. It's noteworthy to me because I just finished writing about quantum physics and this concept of a universal unity, a metaphysical/spiritual/quantum-physical connection between all living things, and all points in space and time. And thought, "Maybe I should put this on my blog." Weird, because I haven't written in here since March and had plans to delete it. But as soon as I open it up, I see some raw ideas about quantum reality. Anyway, here's what I wrote:


Well, it’s been a while since I’ve done this, but I’ve decided that if I really want to achieve the peace and change that I say I do, I’m gonna have to start doing something about it. That means writing, reading, meditating, working out with regularity, and keeping a positive and loving mental state—all while trying to achieve the earthly goals I’ve set for myself.

But what prompted this entry (after a lapse in writing) was my somewhat haphazard discovery of the importance of quantum physics. Totally random, yes, but that’s part of why I felt it was so compelling.

After spending some time reflecting on my day, I decided to start writing again for the sole (soul) purpose of communicating my thoughts with The Universe, The Divine, The Energy, The One Consciousness—and with what I would come to understand even better through my investigation of quantum physics: the True Unity of All Beings, All Minds, All Points in Time and Space, The Singularity, The Shared Consciousness that creates both our inner space and the universe in which we find ourselves.

I was checking my email when I got a notification about a World Meditation that’s going on from 12-1pm later today. That directed me to a Facebook event where I found various links to other spiritual/scientific/new-age “Like” pages. On one of these called spiritualer.com, I was looking at these 'inspirational' quotes over photographs (yes, the cheesy internet ones). Somehow amongst these posts, I read something or saw something that said SOMETHING about quantum physics, and all of a sudden I was like—“I wanna know about quantum physics.” So, I google “understanding quantum physics” (like a naiive jackass) and I watch seven 4-9 minute long videos by this Australian girl, who illustrated some basic concepts quite brilliantly. 

From there, I went on to read an essay, some Wikipedia explanations of concepts, and “quatum physics for dummies”-type articles online. Then I watched another ten-minute video about quantum physics and how our universe is essentially an illusion, producing/manifesting (seemingly) singular events in observable ‘locations’ in space-time (even though all possible events simultaneously occur and are connected in space-time). 

*Humans perceive time linearly, meaning it has a beginning and an end. However, time simply exists. The past, present and future are simultaneously occurring and do occur. The ‘time’ that we use to keep our lives in order is simply a measurement of movement, simply a measurement of an object through space. This is how we measure time—the “time” it takes for one object to move a distance through space. However, this observation is “relatively” (pun intended) arbitrary. Because all points in time and space are connected, time is irrelevant. If we were conscious enough to observe and intimately know this reality, we would be farther along in our exploration of the universe, our own inner space and ourselves as an individual entity expressing itself in all possible ways in the universe. In other words, we are all ‘one’ individual life-force—the creator, the observer, the participant, The living being, and the divine or metaphysical. We are all the same one. We are all of us, and each one every bit akin to the other. 

"I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together."

We are all intimately connected, our experiences directly dependent on that of the other. That which we do to/for others, we do to/for ourselves. What an amazing universe this truly is.

And what’s more is that, for me, it starts to bridge the gap between science/reason and spiritual ‘reality’ that I am interested in exploring. Quantum physics and theory are the first signs of proof that the spiritual or metaphysical reality is not at all separate from science, but instead directly dependent upon it. This is the very fabric of our universe. As advanced a society as we are, we’re still barely scratching the surface of understanding the universe and the true nature of physicality; quantum physics, I hope, will shed more light on the common ground between mysticism and science on a universal scale.

I think quantum physics is essentially the clue to discovering that our ‘reality’ is merely a function of our own mind, and that our experience is a direct and immediate (because time is not real) response to what we create for ourselves. All we have to do is choose, and exercise the power of our beautiful, conscious minds to nurture our experience and the experiences of others. (Which begs the question: ARE WE FULFILLED BY THE EXPERIENCE WE’RE CREATING?)

Needless to say, I was inspired. I want to know. I am choosing, and I am knowing. The entire universe is mine to discover and revel in. I know it. I am it. I am constantly creating it, for myself and for others. And others are creating it with me. It is a collaborative effort on the part of all living beings, all that which is life. We are all creating for each other the experience that we share as One.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

A Reflection on Self-Expression

Writing is my favorite art form. At first glance, it’s just text. All you can see and observe (without giving in to reading and understanding it) is contrast. Before there was writing, there was just a blank page, a white canvas. But as soon as the writing begins, the emptiness starts to disappear. All of a sudden, SUBSTANCE takes the place of EMPTINESS. By writing, you are literally filling a void.

When I was depressed, discouraged, and feeling unfulfilled by the world-path my Self and I had chosen, I started to write. I wanted to understand better what I was feeling. WHY did I feel like I wasn’t good enough? What about myself was I misunderstanding? Why didn’t I get satisfaction from what I was doing?

When we write, we take the purest form of What We Are and we share it. This is the purest form of What or Who We Are, and it’s called an idea.

When we share these ideas, we expose a little bit of Who We Really Are.

This is a divine act. Therefore, writing is a divine act.

Writing is an act of creation; it is one of many ways humans manifest their godly powers of creation and expression.

When we write, we establish a conscious connection with our inner Self. Just as with any other art form, we are expressing in real-time the “Stuff” residing in our bodies that makes us live.  

This “stuff” is called CONSCIOUSNESS.

Consciousness is the very substance that animates us.

When we attempt to express our Selves, or Who We Really Are, we better recognize that individual entity inside us. We are literally closing the gap between our physical and metaphysical manifestations of Self.

By doing this, we are better able to connect with and understand each other.

(This is why I dislike personal reviews and critiques of ANYTHING. Who is one individual to judge the way another individual feels? Maybe they’re not judging how he or she feels, but instead how effectively he or she communicates those feelings?

Well, whether or not they express them effectively is up to only one individual:
The artist. The author. The Soul that bore himself to others in hopes that they would see the beauty in Him. This is divine.

The act of expression is one in which an individual with something to say reaches out to its human counterparts and says, “Can no one else relate?”

“AM I ALONE?” it asks.

What critique is there that would answer that question? Who would jeer or criticize someone reaching out to others? And yet we do! We scorn others’ attempts at art, music, poetry or beauty.

We scorn self-expression, and cheapen it by comparing it to the works and expressions of others (both living and dead!).

We are all individuals. If you will, we are all separate, individual entities. So much so, that we could venture so far as to call each other “gods.”

We’re all gods. Therefore, no one should judge another unless he or she would like to be judged!

“God” is the only judge, the final judge (so say many religious texts). So if that is true, and we’re all gods, that means that we are free only to judge ourselves.

That being said, I am the only one who can judge me, and I can judge only myself. What anyone else makes of what I do or say is irrelevant.)

Writing, like all other forms of art, is a tool for expressing original ideas (the rawest versions of Self)—


Does this sound familiar?

“I think therefore I am.” –my main man, Descartes


Writing is creating. Creating is a divine (as in the purest form of ‘personal’) act. Therefore, writing is a divine act of creation.

All forms of art are used for one thing: expression. We as human beings long to express Who We Truly Are. We want others to know us better, and to see us for the beautiful, godly, creative beings that we are.

This is why music exists. This is why writing exists. Architecture, sculpture, athletics, acting, singing, dancing—


ART itself is a human response to whatever meaning we wish to convey. However these feelings or “moments of ‘being’” in which you feel connected to your Self, your soul, and your consciousness—these are the moments in which great works are inspired.

Writing is my favorite way to convey meaning and share ideas, but it’s also the way that I best learn about mySelf. Since I’ve started writing, I’ve figured out a lot about Who I Am. I want to do that person justice, and I want to share the meaning I've found with the people I love, but also with anyone who finds meaning in my expression of Self.

The whole point of all this is to share meaning and fulfillment. 

No matter who you are or whether or not you think you’re creative (because you definitely are), YOU HAVE SOMETHING TO SAY.

Your physical body is your pen, and your lifetime is your canvas. What do you wish to write today? What do you want the world to see? What do you wish to learn about yourself? What if you don’t know?

All you have to do is make the attempt. Inside your Self you will find the ideas you long to express, the meaning you long to share with the ones you love. And if you can't seem to find it, it's yours to create! But YOU have to start the dialogue; you have to look for your Self!

Man’s perspective of the world includes everything but himself because he sees from his own eyes. He cannot see what he looks like because his point of view is fixed inside himself. This is the plight of our Selves. We cannot know our True Self because we have no way of “seeing” it. But let’s introduce a looking glass—now man is able to see his own physicality for what it is. Because the mirror offers the exact opposite point of view, man is able to look at himself objectively instead of subjectively.


If we are unable to perceive our Selves (our consciousnesses) by looking from the inside out, we must introduce a looking glass—some act or thought process through which Our True Selves are revealed to us. This act or thought process is called "reflection." 

CREATIVITY is our inspiration, the bubbling-up feeling that makes us feel impossible to contain, unstoppable! Self-expression is a great way of showing yourself (your Self) or Who You Truly Are.

The process of “finding your Self” is called introspection or “soul searching;” it creates a metaphorical mirror/window to your soul/consciousness to help you decide Who You Really Are.

Any kind of self-expression is a way of bearing your soul and sharing your consciousness; it not only helps you understand your Self, but helps others to understand You.

All we want is to express ourSelves honestly and feel fulfilled…

 If only we would let each other!

I’m slowly realizing that the purpose of this life is to EXPRESS all that you are—your Individuality, your consciousness, your True Self. Not only will you be fulfilled, but will fulfill others also. “And there was much rejoicing.”

Express your Self. 

Monday, February 11, 2013

How Life Works

It's important for us to remember what certain things in life are important. If you were to ask anyone, they'd probably tell you that the most important things in life aren't things... what are they, then? 

American culture idolizes fame, money, celebrity and anything larger than its original version. I believe that our society is plagued with obesity, depression and lack of fulfillment in human life because we are seeking out the wrong types of fulfillment. 

We live in a physical world. We are constantly buying and surrounding ourselves with new matter to make our lives more meaningful. We search for things that we can have that will leave us feeling satisfied. But this satisfaction doesn't last. 

We always want MORE. We can't seem to find just what it is that we feel like we need. 

But we feel it! We feel that there is something more, something greater than earning a paycheck, eating and repeating. We look to find satisfaction or greater understanding in religion, shopping centers, job security and our own well-being--"I'll be happy when my family is secure and I don't have to worry about finances, etc..."

Yeah, but there's still something missing. Our lives aren't enough. We're still missing something. I mean, since when is LIFE supposed to feel like it's not enough?! 

This hole in your being, this lack of fulfillment--that is the "missing" feeling. We are missing what we as human beings need most--a relationship with ourSelves. 

This relationship with your Self, or your highest consciousness, is the greatest source of love and energy in the entire universe. When we establish a connection to ourselves, when we've realized our own individuality and consciousness--our own godliness!--then we can start to discover what it is to lead a fulfilling life. 

The aim of most American businesses is to make money. Everyone in the U.S. needs money. We have to have money to survive: to buy food, transportation, clothing, shelter, resources, etc. 

Money is the means by which we receive the things we need in order for life to be carried out. 


We worship money.

Money allows for the inequity in distribution of resources on this planet. If money wasn't a concern, we would all have enough for ourselves and our families, and everything that we had in excess would be shared and given to those in need. This is what seems fair and rational. HUMANe. 

But instead, we allow money to flow in and around our economy. Some people are craftier about making money than others. Some people use their money to buy up resources. Some people use their money to buy and exploit other people. Some people use their money for good, but those people are much fewer than the people who don't. SO...

We have a culture that worships wealth and material success--BINGO. We're gonna be unhappy because we've already learned that physical/material things (MATTER) don't actually FULFILL us human beings. We need something more than what we're able to get our hands on physically. 

***This is because relationships are the most important aspect of human life.*** 

More importantly than money, we need relationships. If you have all the money in the world, but you have no one to share it with, it means nothing. 

Money doesn't make a business. People do. Money doesn't make more money--people do. PEOPLE ARE THE ONLY REASON MONEY MEANS ANYTHING! 

None of our lives--not one single thing--holds any meaning without the presence and well-being of other humans invested in your experience. This is where FULFILLMENT and MEANING come from. They are mutual agreements between humans to share in a beautiful life experience.  

Only we've gotten distracted. Now it's about stuff, success and money--"people suck." 

I know this feeling, and I know it well. I got weary of feeling heavy all the time, like I was the only one that felt connected to my fellow human beings. I can't stand to watch human suffering in movies--it literally makes me sick. I see what some humans do to other humans, and I get depressed. "How will we ever overcome?" We're meant to love each other and share meaning and be chill. That's it. It's easy. But somehow we manage to complicate life and finding/creating meaning into this unattainable thing you work your whole life for and then never have. That sucks--that LIFE sucks--because there's no meaning in it and you withdraw yourself (your Self) from what it needs the most, which is love and human interaction. 

So, I get sick and tired of feeling unfulfilled by the life that so many were content with following that I started writing and asking questions. I embarked upon a quest to find my Self, my True Self, in which I did a lot of writing, thinking, meditating and reading. 

But what helped me was sitting down and having a conversation with myself. I wrote about what I felt. That's all I knew to do. 

It felt visceral, like I was being moved, or pulled. I was being pushed to do something. 

ACTION WAS NECESSARY. So I started writing. And as I got better at writing what I felt, I got better at recognizing how I felt and why I felt the way that I did. 

I came to four important realizations: 

1. My life experience is a direct result of the choices I make in dealing with that "life" experience

2. Feelings (or instincts) are our greatest physicalization or manifestation of a "divine" or extra-physical/metaphysical consciousness tethered to our body (basically feelings are tethers of energy that are given to our physical manifestation of our Self by our highest consciousness or "Self" to help guide us through difficult life obstacles, hence the expression "go with your gut, listen to your heart, etc.")

3. The universe is comprised of consciousness, which is an energetic substance that ebbs and flows through the universe just as it does our own minds. Our most basic form of consciousness is our recognition of ourselves as intelligent beings. However our consciousness is tethered to our metaphysical Self, our "soul." In other words, the physical versions of ourselves--our Selves--are tethered psycho-spiritually and energetically (via the brain, i.e. pineal gland) to the purest version of our consciousness. This is The Entity Which We Truly Are. 

4. The universe does not care about just or unjust, dead or alive, right or wrong. The universe is a balance. Balance is key. By our creator, whatever that force be, we are conscious beings and able to make choices for ourselves. Our choices create the universe in which we live, as do our thoughts. This universe and all of the circumstances contained within it are a direct result of the combined decisions and thoughts of humanity and other forms of life. THIS IS CALLED FREE WILL. If you believe we have free will, then you cannot argue that God is the one to blame for any kind of suffering or injustice on earth. This last realization is perhaps the most important: GOD IS BLAMELESS. We are technically made in the image of God, meaning that we are capable of what a god is capable of. This is true. However, this also means that God is not responsible for any of the stupid stuff we do to each other or ourselves. TAKE SOME RESPONSIBILITY.

So, whenever we're about to do something wrong, we feel bad/sad/guilty/angry/remorseful, etc... This is because we know that our physical actions have not done justice to our True Self. When we do bad things, or things we know we shouldn't do, we feel bad because our physical actions did not coincide with the experience our soul or True Self/Consciousness wants for us--the experience we want for ourselves (the Self).  

Think of your soul as God. Our souls are the greatest versions of our Selves that exist. Our souls are the best versions of ourselves. When we're given this beautiful physicality to play around in for a few years, to see what we can share with each other, we are made to forget what our consciousnesses know to be True. We forget these things so that we get an original experience (every time, if you believe in reincarnation). 

However, our universe is not so cruel or unbalanced that we are left to figure things out entirely on our own... our spiritual counterparts that are not bound to this physicality are able to offer us wisdom and guidance, if we ask. 

Many people expect to hear it, read it or simply come to know this divine wisdom--many deny its existence. 

However, we all know what it's like to have a bad feeling. An intuition. A premonition. A feeling. You don't know what it is, but you can't describe it. It just doesn't feel right. 

Or maybe it does! Maybe you feel led to write, or speak, to lead others to this wisdom, to a happier way of life! 

Either way, humans know these feelings. They are powerful and are often spoken of as being felt in the stomach (visceral) or the heart. We really feel it in the core of our being, though. It's not in your intestines; there's no place in the heart from which feelings spring... They are not of the mind; they are not of a physical origin. 

If our universe is a large-scale version of a brain (see first post), then these "feelings" are the electrical impulses that parts of the brain send to us to relay important information. Some people deny that these feelings have any real significance beyond the way you feel in your mind... but we all know that it feels good to do what we feel is right. We always feel good after doing the right thing, or helping a fellow human being. 

This is the exact same thing. When you feel good because you've done something good, it's your soul's way of saying, "This is the kind of thing I was meant to do!" Keep it up. 

That's your Self/consciousness' way of letting you know that you're right with the universe. You're doing good, vibing good vibes--and other people will notice that you feel good! It's attractive to feel good, and to do good. The satisfaction we get from helping ourselves and others at the same time is incomparable to material satisfaction... for some reason, feelings are stronger when they are shared between people.

This is how prayer works! Read the post on prayer! We know that feelings are manifestations of divine wisdom, and this way there's no way we can confuse it with something physical or something mental. 

You feel it instead of thinking it. 

Finally, I love this video of Will Smith talking about what he wants for himself. It's relevant because he literally describes the flow of the universe, and how he makes a point to create the life he wants for himself and for others. This short clip illustrates how someone using their celebrity is trying to affect real change in the universe, and it's working. Don't believe me? Compare your life to his and get back to me. 

Will Smith, you are one righteous dude. 

Friday, February 1, 2013

The Earth Is Our Responsiblity (Yours and Mine)

The recent weather forecasts have been awfully uncharacteristic for these winter months. On top of that, meteorologists had to come up with what to call the super storm from the summer of 2012--"el derecho," which in Spanish means "straight..." I don't know. Maybe I'm a cynic (definitely), but I feel like the Earth has been slowly awakening...

I was lifting weights when the Louisa County, VA earthquake struck. I was on my last set of curls at my gym in Lynchburg, and engaged in an intense stare with myself in the mirror. Here comes rep number fourteen... and all of a sudden the mirror starts to shake. Growing with intensity, the entire building is shaking now and weights are falling off the racks. "I AM GOD--" I thought for about a split second as I saw my face reddening, and then I realized what exactly was happening.

And the tsunamis out East--Sri Lanka, Japan... the earthquake in Chile in 2008... I don't know, man.

I can't help but think the Earth has been snoozing the last few hundred years. Enter 'genius' humans who start the industrial revolution and spend 150 years trashing the house. Earth's gonna be up in a couple of hours and we've gotta clean this place up before we get taught a lesson.

I wrote this to myself the other day:

Fear not the ways of men. The Earth, in time, will solve any political struggle or economic injustice. All will be set right. There is a natural balance in our universe and on our planet. If we don't respect that balance--if we don't maintain the equilibrium, the Earth has no choice but to intervene and maintain order. And it won't have to do it through secretive means. It's not a government agency that operates behind closed doors and with no transparency; Earth is in your face. Radical weather, radical change. No warning, no voting, nothing.

The Earth will have its way with us. We ought to be focusing on solving global climate issues instead of arguing over how much debt we're going to allow ourselves to have, who can smoke what, and who can't marry who. We need to fix our planet, and our ways of thinking (and consuming!). We need to worry about what our planet is doing. The Earth has been telling us things. It has been giving us warnings, and yet the common people aren't willing to change their lives to do anything about it. We're not listening--I know I'm guilty of it. Well, the Earth is raising its voice. And unless we can stop thinking about the Earth as capital instead of life-space, and change the way we relate to it, I don't know if humans (all of us, anyway) will be able to make it.

Or we find another planet... I guess that's typical lazy-human fashion. "This planet's practically wasted at this point, we should probably stop."

"Or we waste it till it's dead, and eventually we'll have to find a new one."

"Yeah, the second one."

Like, what the hell?! The WORLD (you know, the planet, Earth) will not change unless WE make a CONSCIOUS decision to change OURSELVES.

If writing has taught me anything, it's that I do it because I want others to change, but more so because it helps ME change.

"Be the change you wish to see in the world." Gandhi said that, and it's cliche by now, but I finally understand what he meant. The world can't change unless people change. Guess what: we're people. I am a person. Therefore, I am responsible. I have to change.

We have to be willing to take on these issues by ourselves if we have to! We are responsible. That's the issue with humans. There are so many of us that the blame gets evenly distributed and it doesn't feel all that bad. But that means that all we have to do in order to change it is a tiny gesture--recycling, not buying so much, using local goods and services, etc. We all have the capacity to solve real-world problems. That's what people do. But there are so many of us now that unless we all take part and realize what's at stake, we stand to suffer a great deal.

Choose to play an active role in life. Create a dynamic experience for yourself. Do not be subject to meaningless patterns and routines. Think for yourself. Act for yourself and for the good of others. And be cool to the Earth--that's it.

I would like to leave you with two quotes. The first is from a legend of a man, William Cooper, a radio personality, author and patriot, who was murdered by federal agents dressed as teenagers outside of his home two months after he broadcast details from U.S. intelligence regarding 9/11 that suggested the government had prior knowledge of the attack.

He proclaims, "If you’re not walking on the razor blade, you’re really living in a kind of death-existence. You have to have that danger facing you, that "if I slip I’m dead." That’s what makes you live; that’s what gives you life; that’s what gives you purpose.  Any man or woman who does not have principles for which they are ready and willing to die at any given moment is already dead and are of no use or consequence to themselves or anyone else, and will be unhappy for the rest of their life. Like it or not, everything is changing. The result will be the most wonderful experience in the history of mankind or the most horrible enslavement that you can imagine. Be active or abdicate. The future is in your hands.” 

And the second:

In the words of one of my favorite bands, Born of Osiris, "we are the victims, but we are also the crime... and the only one who can judge us is the Earth in time."

The video to the song "Follow the Signs," from which the above lyric was taken, is a semi-cheesy CGI representation of a conscious being being sucked into a black hole and arriving in a room full of clergy dressed like they're from the middle ages. It's hella weird, but pretty cool. Oh, and the clergy are lizards... but I didn't really need to tell you that.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Sleep Sci-Fy

I am convinced that sleep is the most tangible (as in physical) psycho-spiritual experience that we as humans are able to understand, or at least remember. Sleep is the key to understanding our earthly lives.

Sleep interested me a while back when I was trying to understand how humans consume energy. We take in food and water, and our bodies absorb energy and nutrients necessary to keep the engine running. But no matter how much we consume, even with all the energy drinks and caffeine, we still end up crashing, conking out, dozing off--for whatever reason, WE LOSE CONSCIOUSNESS.

It literally is taken from our bodies. Even though we have enough nutrients to maintain body processes, for some reason our mental energy is zapped and we simply lose consciousness.

This is when stuff gets weird.

My dear friend and counterpart in the universe, Will, once illustrated sleep in a sci-fy fashion, and it's puzzled me ever since. Think about it this way:

1. Humans get tired. They yawn. They slow down.
2. They go into an entirely separate room whose (not necessarily sole) purpose is to carry out SLEEP
3. They strip off clothing until they're almost naked...
4. They turn off all the lights!
5. They climb onto a platform and lie down on it
6. Once situated on the platform, they cover themselves up with layers of fabric.
7. Then, all of a sudden the brain switches off all consciousness.

It literally shuts down without warning. One second you're awake and having strange thoughts, and then you're out. You haven't gone anywhere, but you don't feel like you're in your body. You're just asleep. You don't remember sleep; you don't know what you were thinking about or what your brain was doing while you were unconscious, but your brain was active--very active.

8. Then, just as suddenly as your consciousness left or was taken, it fills your body in an instant and your eyes crack open as if to resume life's activities.

My theory on all of this is that we are tied to our consciousness metaphysically somehow. Think about it in an energetic sense: imagine you are tethered to your metaphysical consciousness via an energetic signal specific to your physical manifestation of Self (consciousness).

I don't know for sure, but I am willing to bet it takes a fair amount of energy for our consciousnesses (or Selves, as I like to call it/them) to be physically connected to an earthly avatar, or in our case, our bodies. It makes sense that there exists an energetic tie or connection between our physical existence and our metaphysical consciousness.

So, when we get tired, it's our consciousness' way (or our Self's way) of saying, "Hey, it's been a long day. Earth is a very tiring place. Rest your physical body and give your consciousness a break from all of the stimuli and electrical impulses. It's a miracle you guys haven't fried your brains with all of the stuff you put yourselves through..."

And we fall asleep... and we love it. Sleep is so gooooood. We all love a good night's sleep. In today's society, we worship sleep. You can spend thousands of dollars on mattresses, tempur-pedic beds, pillows that conform to the flab on your ass, and pills that will KEEP you asleep.

WE WORSHIP SLEEP. We relish it. It is obviously something that is important to every human being. When we don't get enough, we're absolute jerks about it. And we all know why that person is being a jerk: they need a nap.

Even kids! ESPECIALLY KIDS. Kids' consciousnesses haven't yet been stomped and snuffed out by public education, politics, SOLs, SATs, break-ups, taxes, and all of the ways of our society that are made to encapsulate us and strip us of our inherent greatness.

Kids consciousness' are very susceptible to these metaphysical connections ((speculatively because their pineal gland (a producer of the believed physical connection to a metaphysical consciousness, DMT) has not yet had the opportunity to shrink)). Children often speak of lingering memories from "past lives," or talk about being visited in their dreams, etc.

Children need healthy amounts of sleep because their consciousness and their physical connection to it is still very fragile at a young age. I think some children are able to recall memories/experiences from past lives; it is also my opinion that children (because of the pineal gland) are extra-susceptible to metaphysical or inter-dimensional contact.

My youngest brother, by the age he had grasped talking and sharing information, would often describe experiences that he had as an old man. He talked about doing things "when he used to be an old man."

Without ever having been at such a young age, Daniel did his best to describe a time in which he went bowling. He'd never been bowling as "Daniel," but for some reason he could tell us about a specific visit to the bowling alley "when he was an old man." This kid was literally two and three years old relating experiences he had as an elderly guy prior to being born as my brother. And he would relate the details with such conviction--this kid knew what he had literally been doing ANOTHER LIFE. He was still conscious of it. He couldn't tell you about it now because that bit of his consciousness has been forgotten, just as all of our divine knowledge is forgotten so that we can more fully experience life, and create meaning in it.

So children may have lingering consciousness/memories from past lives when their consciousness enters a fetus 49 days after gestation--that is, when the pineal gland (producer of consciousness-detaching molecule, DMT) is fully formed in the brain.

Another kind of metaphysical connection shared between two spiritual entities:

When I was 3 or 4 years old, I had a dream in which my great-grandmother's boyfriend, Woody, came and saw me. Woody and I never really knew each other at all... I met him when I was two years old at a family reunion in Little Rock, AR. For some reason, Woody and I shared an uncanny relationship. If I was crying, Woody would look at me and smile to make me stop. He'd bounce me on his knee to get me to calm down... It was as if we already knew each other, or as if I could recognize his consciousness. We were instant friends, and I mean inseparable.

He came to me while I was asleep. He stepped into my mind, a pure whiteness that was all-surrounding. He seemed to step through it and approach me. He woke me by calling my name. I never heard it externally, but I knew it inside my head. He said, "John Morgan."

"Hey, Woody."

"I came to say goodbye."

"Where are you going, Woody?"

"I'm going on a pic-nic. I'll see you later."

"I'll see you later, Woody."

And just like that, he vanished. I woke up that morning and told my mom about my dream, that Woody came to me in my sleep and told me goodbye. He told me that he was going on a picnic because at 3 years old, I wouldn't understand death. This way, I wasn't worried about it. I was comforted by the fact that he'd come to see me. But it puzzles me to this day that he said, "see you later."

My mom received a phone call that very morning saying Woody had died in his sleep.

For whatever reason or circumstance that existed between Woody's and my consciousnesses in the past, he found the way to tell me goodbye and that he'd "see me later."

I remember this dream like I had it last night. The whiteness was unmistakable, and now that I understand more about consciousness and the science behind sleep, I find this phenomenon harder to ignore.

Another phenomenon I would like to highlight is astral projection. A lot of people say it's not real, or that it doesn't exist. But it does, and it's been proven by science. In this case, human beings are able to detach their consciousness from their physical body, making travel through space (and therefore time) virtually limitless.

Have you ever seen the movie Insidious? The concept is explored in this psychological thriller / horror film from 2010. Basically, this couple's kid goes into a coma because his consciousness can't find its way back to his physical body on Earth. What ensues is a series of attempts by a malignant demon to possess the boy's body to wreak havoc on Earth. DASHICRAY.

What's even weirder about the prospect of astral projection? One of my very own brothers suffered night terrors, which I believe could be linked to astral projection.

Night terrors is a weird sleep phenomenon that occurs most commonly in young children, usually in pre-adolescent stages. After puberty, the occurrence of nightmares is curbed significantly through adulthood.

My brother would have dreams where he was being followed, chased, attacked, even brutally stabbed. He would scream for the better part of a half-hour, twisting and turning, practically narrating his extra-dimensional experience. "I'm being stabbed! They're stabbing me! Help me! HELP ME!"

All the while, my parents are shaking him and trying to get him to snap out of it. They're literally shaking his entire body by the shoulders, trying to wake him up. Trying to get him to regain consciousness. 

Unfortunately for him, he was unable to find his way back before some kind of lingering energy affected him, or some traumatic experience was had. Some of you are thinking, "Whatever, it was just a nightmare." Well, that's exactly what I said and I brushed it off. Until it happened again and again.

He would tell me about certain ones he would remember... "Hide over here," one being said. He could recount instances in which he would be running from some kind of dread or darkness, a "bad feeling," and would eventually find someone who would help him. This might sound kind of outlandish or whack, but people who have near-death experiences or trip DMT often describe a similar experience: contact with other beings, feelings of safety and comfort, etc.


Sleep is a body process that allows us to detach our physical consciousness from our bodies (using the pineal gland and DMT secretions during sleep) and rest our Selves. Our consciousness is an entity not bound by a time-space continuum. It is infinite in its knowledge in the sense that our consciousness knows no bounds--when we're asleep.

But then we wake up, and just like being born to live another life, all of our consciousness-based knowledge is lost and hidden for us to encounter and find throughout the experiences of our lives.

Sleep is the physical connection to our metaphysical Selves, or that to which we are divinely connected. If we could somehow harness our consciousness in our sleep (aka lucid dreaming) then we can start to experience our unlimited powers and consciousness, and eventually manifest those powers here on Earth.

We only use a small portion of our brain... while we're awake. But sometimes we're dreaming so elaborately that we can't even shock ourselves awake using an alarm clock. The clock literally becomes part of the dream so that we fool ourselves into oversleeping. Your consciousness is not ready to come back yet. It's doing something.

I've often speculated that our dreams are separate physical extensions of our consciousnesses, or perhaps residual energetic ties to other beings' consciousness with whom we have had some sort of experience or interaction, be it earthly or metaphysical.

It's a lot to go into right now, and I know this has gotten away from me, but I implore you:

Research dream and sleep science, and the role of the pineal gland and DMT in detaching and forming consciousness. Read DMT: The Spirit Molecule by Dr. Rick Strassman -- I talked to this guy myself. He's the only doctor to ever experiment with DMT on human beings and write about it in a context of detaching consciousness from your physical existence...

...or in other words, leaving this world alive. His findings are indescribably interesting and surprisingly universal. It will definitely get you thinking outside of the box--even the universe.

In our sleep, our consciousness detaches itself from our physicality. Dimensions are opened, time and space cease to exist linearly. There is only existence. This is where our consciousness resides, inside our own minds but somehow removed from it. Sleep allows us to explore that which our dear mother Earth cannot explain or harness. On Earth, we are bound to the laws of physics because we are physical beings. But when we cease to exist as physical beings and take on a super-physical form, physics disappear and we are free to explore the universe at will--we are free to explore our minds.

Sweet dreams!

Monday, January 21, 2013

Prayer, or Whatever--The Will to Change

I hate the word "prayer." It's thrown way too many people off for far too long, myself included. Praying sounds cheesy, or at least it did to me--I didn't like the idea of prayer. For me today, prayer is a simple form of meditation, or conscious thought.

My whole life I've felt like, "Why should I rely on someone else for something that I can do myself?" Prayer seems like a procrastination technique, a way to put off taking responsibility for the aspects of our lives that need work. It seems like if I'm praying to God, that means I feel like it's something that I can't do myself. I feel like if I'm praying, I've already given up.

But this is not true! Praying as we know it is so much simpler than we give it credit for.  When we pray, we're asking for something, or saying thanks (usually). But praying to a "God" that may or may not exist can seem pretty abstract if you're not religious. Mad people are not down with prayer.

I think people are afraid of prayer.

For two reasons:
1. They're not religious or weird enough to spend anytime praying to some entity that isn't going to answer anyway
2. #1 is not the case at all and we're just afraid to ask for help.

I'm not a religious person. I'm very spiritual, but I do not and have never really depended on any kind of religious background. I was taught the Lord's Prayer in church, prayed before dinner, and even tried my hands at prayer after getting caught for sneaking out of my house. But I have only recently understood prayer in its real or universal capacity, which is the only one that matters!

When people pray, we are praying to our Selves rather than what people call "God." "God" is simply the term people assign to the energetic life-force that surrounds us in our physical lives. "God" is many things, but to me he doesn't listen to prayers and he's not a man. He's not a "he," either. "God" is inside us--"He" is the very power that exists within ourselves. We are made in his image, with his capabilities for creation, love, etc... So now that I know what I think "God" is for me, I can explain prayer.

Praying in its most basic form is THOUGHT. Thought is where our universe is created. We don't realize it, but we shape the very fabric of our lives with our thoughts. These thoughts are translated into universal energy that travels and extends from us, from our electro-magnetic fields, outward into the universe like the ripples from throwing a stone into a body of water. These ripples affect the other parts of the pond, some more drastically so than others. This is how prayer affects our lives.

We're literally petitioning the universe for whatever it is that we need in our lives: courage, strength, money, love, etc...

What we want for our lives starts out as thoughts. These thoughts or prayers are not listened to or heard, but more or less travel the universe; the more time and ENERGY we put into something, the more likely we will come to see it manifested. It could be you pray for good health, or financial stability--whatever it is--the universe is an extension of our own minds, and we can affect it with our will.

That's all prayer is--our own will. If we will it, so it will be. If you put your mind to it, you can accomplish anything. These are old adages that we've heard for years. But they're true on a universal scale.

We have the power to bless ourselves, and the power to ask for help. Prayer is a universal lifeline, if you will.

In order for this to make sense, you have to go along with me on a couple of things:
1. "God" is not the person you think--not a person at all
2. We are equipped with "God"-like powers -- creation, love, etc.
3. The universe is subject to the conscious will of its inhabitants (see the video about Quantum physics and the Measurement problem posted in the metal-truth post)

Now. Prayer is a thought or thoughts. Those thoughts are energetic and affect the universe (humanity's collective will). By praying, we are attempting to alter the current course of our universe. By praying, we're petitioning the status-quo and sending out energy to change it. But this is the part where people think they're done! People think that prayer is a way of unloading your burdens and allowing the "God" or director of this universe to do all the work--

NO SUCH ENTITY EXISTS--except within our Selves.

We (as in You) as in our Selves (singular Self)--ME. I am the only one that is in charge of my universe. I am the God of my own life experience. I am the captain. I am the one who is in charge. Therefore, when I pray, I pray to myself.

That's right. When you pray, you're literally asking "God" or the true divine Self inside you--the divine stuff of which you are made--you're asking that stuff (your Self) to help your physical consciousness navigate the tangle of experiences we weave into what we call lives.

The power of prayer is real, but it is manifest within US. When you pray for help, or for blessings, you are asking your Self for guidance!

When you say, "God bless me, protect me..."--whatever--you're literally having a conversation with yourself. And I don't mean this in the Self way--I mean, you're talking to yourself.

WHEN YOU PRAY, YOU'RE TALKING TO YOURSELF. No one else is listening (unless you're in a group) except yourself. That being said, if you're your own "God," it is your DUTY to BLESS YOURSELF.

Praying for assistance is something that you can do. Many people believe that there are spiritual forces that exist outside of our physical realm that help us to navigate life, protect us, show us the way, etc...

But that assistance is manifested in your Self. You have to CHOOSE to pray to bless yourself. You can ask "God" all you want for the change you need in your life, but at the end of the prayer you're the only one that can do anything about it.

Prayer is all about our relationship with ourselves. Our Selves.

It is one of many ways to meditate (prayer is just a form of meditation). It allows you to alter your consciousness and focus on what your life needs. Prayer is a form of focusing, which I know I desperately need sometimes. It allows us to chill ourselves out, center our Selves and focus on what is really important (whatever that is for you).

Prayer allows us to physically and energetically manipulate our universe, and will something into being.

Now, that is Godly. We are Gods. That's cool to me!

But this prayer business works both ways. Just as we have the ability to bless ourselves, we must not forget that we have the ability to bless others. Every time I try to explain the concept of 'willing something into existence' someone always comes up with Africans who can't will food into existence, or whatever.

This is what I mean. WE have the capacity to bless. We are very good at blessing ourselves; too good at in my opinion. You see, just as we are blessed, others we know are NOT blessed. Why? Because we allow it to be so. We are fortunate! But others are not so fortunate. Does that mean that if we pray their condition will improve? Yes, it will. But it will improve much more rapidly and affectively if we realize our own ability to BLESS OTHERS.

If we pray for a problem to get fixed, we must be willing to RECOGNIZE THE OPPORTUNITIES THE UNIVERSE GIVES US TO FIX IT OURSELVES. "God" isn't going to fix it. "God" isn't going to build houses, or grow food for millions of people...

but we can. 

In short: the power of prayer works because our universe is a holographic reality that is a projection of humanity's collective consciousness. This universe is a "matrix" that we can affect and manipulate using our own Force power or will, using our own minds. People do this all the time--prayer, telekinesis, chi energy--they even reference these things in the movie The Matrix. The kid at the oracle's house says he asks the spoon to bend with his mind, and it does. People are capable of such feats. This reality is a projection that we all have the capacity to change. Our reality is what we WILL into existence. Through prayer/meditation/conscious thought, we can achieve change for good. So don't knock prayer--the name is cheesy, but the science behind it is real. And the universal consequences are real.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Joy (When Will They Invent Manlier-Sounding Names For Touchy-Feely Emotions So I Don't Sound So Wussy)

I am beginning to learn about joy. I find myself experiencing it more and more now that I have finally learned how to let myself be my Self, and enJOY all of the combined experiences that we piece together into 'lives.' I revel in my life these days. I live in constant amazement of what we are capable of feeling and connecting with on a level that we can't quite describe--this is joy. I find sheer bliss in the fact that such simple things bring me joy: a song that recalls a memory or shared meaning, a crisp apple, a Blue Ridge mountain sunset.

In the very first bit of writing that I did to myself, I was trying to pinpoint what this emotion was, this pure elation that I was experiencing. I did the best I could to describe it, but none of my comparisons really did this feeling justice. I talked about it in my earlier post about "Feeling" in which I copied and pasted the excerpt. I'll do so again now for your convenience:

"When I try to use this URGE of creative feeling or happiness or love – it’s really none of those things – I can’t explain it. It’s just this EPIC feeling of ------- ?????? ------- I don’t know. It is a sense of purpose. I literally dream (as in have dreams) about standing up for what’s right and finding love."

There was a bit more to the beginning as you'll see in the previous post, but this briefly explains how I was feeling.

It was pure joy. I was experiencing joy for seemingly no reason at all. Only I should say, for every reason. I found joy in literally everything during these elated periods.

This joy that I feel is the very feeling that we search for our entire lives. This joy is the greatest and yet simplest form of validation from the energetic forces of the universe that you're doing all right. We search for this feeling in friendships, relationships, personal goals or ventures, etc.--whatever you're doing, you do it because you are looking for some kind of satisfaction from it. We do the things we do because we expect to receive some sort of gratification and personal gain, personal growth.

When we do things that are good for ourselves and each other, not only do we experience satisfaction, but we also experience joy.

The cool thing about joy is that there's never only one person that gets to experience it; joy is a shared emotional experience. Joy can be experienced by one individual, sure. But that individual cannot keep it to him or herself! Joy comes from the love and happiness shared by individuals on behalf of each other; joy comes from a shared (as in ownership of) love and happiness that transcends personal contentment. Joy comes from bestowing love and happiness unto others, and therefore unto yourself, and experiencing the mutual JOY that is created by sharing love.

Christmas, minus the commercialized exploitations of it, is our greatest reminder to share joy. We spend time with family, share gifts, love, fond memories, food--we do all of this in the spirit of joy. That's what Christmas is all about: sharing love and joy with each other. All of mankind.

I think that one of the main purposes of our lives on Earth is to experience the fullest life that we can. One of the best ways of doing that is sharing in the simple joys of our lives with others: family, friends, love, nature, etc... I could go on for decades. If we share the things we enjoy with others, we experience the same joy on a more personal, interconnected level. When we share joy with each other, it makes us feel like we belong. And that's all anybody ever wants.

Imagine you're the "God" or creative force behind this Earthly experience billions of years in the making--and all of a sudden you're given the opportunity to play with it! Now you have the capacity not only to witness this creation, but to exist within it and manipulate it--your very own real-life playground! That's what we've been given. More importantly, that's Who We Are. We're our own gods capable of that same creative manipulation. And the experience is even greater when we realize that we can share it with each other.


It gives me joy to share mine with other people. I kind of hope that's what inspires evangelists... I don't think I'm an evangelist in any way, but I do realize that sharing my thoughts on the universe and thangs makes me Pat Robertson. Not. I do not wish to convert anyone by sharing my thoughts. It brings me joy to better understand myself and others, and I think that would bring you joy, too.

I had to.