Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Sleep Sci-Fy

I am convinced that sleep is the most tangible (as in physical) psycho-spiritual experience that we as humans are able to understand, or at least remember. Sleep is the key to understanding our earthly lives.

Sleep interested me a while back when I was trying to understand how humans consume energy. We take in food and water, and our bodies absorb energy and nutrients necessary to keep the engine running. But no matter how much we consume, even with all the energy drinks and caffeine, we still end up crashing, conking out, dozing off--for whatever reason, WE LOSE CONSCIOUSNESS.

It literally is taken from our bodies. Even though we have enough nutrients to maintain body processes, for some reason our mental energy is zapped and we simply lose consciousness.

This is when stuff gets weird.

My dear friend and counterpart in the universe, Will, once illustrated sleep in a sci-fy fashion, and it's puzzled me ever since. Think about it this way:

1. Humans get tired. They yawn. They slow down.
2. They go into an entirely separate room whose (not necessarily sole) purpose is to carry out SLEEP
3. They strip off clothing until they're almost naked...
4. They turn off all the lights!
5. They climb onto a platform and lie down on it
6. Once situated on the platform, they cover themselves up with layers of fabric.
7. Then, all of a sudden the brain switches off all consciousness.

It literally shuts down without warning. One second you're awake and having strange thoughts, and then you're out. You haven't gone anywhere, but you don't feel like you're in your body. You're just asleep. You don't remember sleep; you don't know what you were thinking about or what your brain was doing while you were unconscious, but your brain was active--very active.

8. Then, just as suddenly as your consciousness left or was taken, it fills your body in an instant and your eyes crack open as if to resume life's activities.

My theory on all of this is that we are tied to our consciousness metaphysically somehow. Think about it in an energetic sense: imagine you are tethered to your metaphysical consciousness via an energetic signal specific to your physical manifestation of Self (consciousness).

I don't know for sure, but I am willing to bet it takes a fair amount of energy for our consciousnesses (or Selves, as I like to call it/them) to be physically connected to an earthly avatar, or in our case, our bodies. It makes sense that there exists an energetic tie or connection between our physical existence and our metaphysical consciousness.

So, when we get tired, it's our consciousness' way (or our Self's way) of saying, "Hey, it's been a long day. Earth is a very tiring place. Rest your physical body and give your consciousness a break from all of the stimuli and electrical impulses. It's a miracle you guys haven't fried your brains with all of the stuff you put yourselves through..."

And we fall asleep... and we love it. Sleep is so gooooood. We all love a good night's sleep. In today's society, we worship sleep. You can spend thousands of dollars on mattresses, tempur-pedic beds, pillows that conform to the flab on your ass, and pills that will KEEP you asleep.

WE WORSHIP SLEEP. We relish it. It is obviously something that is important to every human being. When we don't get enough, we're absolute jerks about it. And we all know why that person is being a jerk: they need a nap.

Even kids! ESPECIALLY KIDS. Kids' consciousnesses haven't yet been stomped and snuffed out by public education, politics, SOLs, SATs, break-ups, taxes, and all of the ways of our society that are made to encapsulate us and strip us of our inherent greatness.

Kids consciousness' are very susceptible to these metaphysical connections ((speculatively because their pineal gland (a producer of the believed physical connection to a metaphysical consciousness, DMT) has not yet had the opportunity to shrink)). Children often speak of lingering memories from "past lives," or talk about being visited in their dreams, etc.

Children need healthy amounts of sleep because their consciousness and their physical connection to it is still very fragile at a young age. I think some children are able to recall memories/experiences from past lives; it is also my opinion that children (because of the pineal gland) are extra-susceptible to metaphysical or inter-dimensional contact.

My youngest brother, by the age he had grasped talking and sharing information, would often describe experiences that he had as an old man. He talked about doing things "when he used to be an old man."

Without ever having been at such a young age, Daniel did his best to describe a time in which he went bowling. He'd never been bowling as "Daniel," but for some reason he could tell us about a specific visit to the bowling alley "when he was an old man." This kid was literally two and three years old relating experiences he had as an elderly guy prior to being born as my brother. And he would relate the details with such conviction--this kid knew what he had literally been doing ANOTHER LIFE. He was still conscious of it. He couldn't tell you about it now because that bit of his consciousness has been forgotten, just as all of our divine knowledge is forgotten so that we can more fully experience life, and create meaning in it.

So children may have lingering consciousness/memories from past lives when their consciousness enters a fetus 49 days after gestation--that is, when the pineal gland (producer of consciousness-detaching molecule, DMT) is fully formed in the brain.

Another kind of metaphysical connection shared between two spiritual entities:

When I was 3 or 4 years old, I had a dream in which my great-grandmother's boyfriend, Woody, came and saw me. Woody and I never really knew each other at all... I met him when I was two years old at a family reunion in Little Rock, AR. For some reason, Woody and I shared an uncanny relationship. If I was crying, Woody would look at me and smile to make me stop. He'd bounce me on his knee to get me to calm down... It was as if we already knew each other, or as if I could recognize his consciousness. We were instant friends, and I mean inseparable.

He came to me while I was asleep. He stepped into my mind, a pure whiteness that was all-surrounding. He seemed to step through it and approach me. He woke me by calling my name. I never heard it externally, but I knew it inside my head. He said, "John Morgan."

"Hey, Woody."

"I came to say goodbye."

"Where are you going, Woody?"

"I'm going on a pic-nic. I'll see you later."

"I'll see you later, Woody."

And just like that, he vanished. I woke up that morning and told my mom about my dream, that Woody came to me in my sleep and told me goodbye. He told me that he was going on a picnic because at 3 years old, I wouldn't understand death. This way, I wasn't worried about it. I was comforted by the fact that he'd come to see me. But it puzzles me to this day that he said, "see you later."

My mom received a phone call that very morning saying Woody had died in his sleep.

For whatever reason or circumstance that existed between Woody's and my consciousnesses in the past, he found the way to tell me goodbye and that he'd "see me later."

I remember this dream like I had it last night. The whiteness was unmistakable, and now that I understand more about consciousness and the science behind sleep, I find this phenomenon harder to ignore.

Another phenomenon I would like to highlight is astral projection. A lot of people say it's not real, or that it doesn't exist. But it does, and it's been proven by science. In this case, human beings are able to detach their consciousness from their physical body, making travel through space (and therefore time) virtually limitless.

Have you ever seen the movie Insidious? The concept is explored in this psychological thriller / horror film from 2010. Basically, this couple's kid goes into a coma because his consciousness can't find its way back to his physical body on Earth. What ensues is a series of attempts by a malignant demon to possess the boy's body to wreak havoc on Earth. DASHICRAY.

What's even weirder about the prospect of astral projection? One of my very own brothers suffered night terrors, which I believe could be linked to astral projection.

Night terrors is a weird sleep phenomenon that occurs most commonly in young children, usually in pre-adolescent stages. After puberty, the occurrence of nightmares is curbed significantly through adulthood.

My brother would have dreams where he was being followed, chased, attacked, even brutally stabbed. He would scream for the better part of a half-hour, twisting and turning, practically narrating his extra-dimensional experience. "I'm being stabbed! They're stabbing me! Help me! HELP ME!"

All the while, my parents are shaking him and trying to get him to snap out of it. They're literally shaking his entire body by the shoulders, trying to wake him up. Trying to get him to regain consciousness. 

Unfortunately for him, he was unable to find his way back before some kind of lingering energy affected him, or some traumatic experience was had. Some of you are thinking, "Whatever, it was just a nightmare." Well, that's exactly what I said and I brushed it off. Until it happened again and again.

He would tell me about certain ones he would remember... "Hide over here," one being said. He could recount instances in which he would be running from some kind of dread or darkness, a "bad feeling," and would eventually find someone who would help him. This might sound kind of outlandish or whack, but people who have near-death experiences or trip DMT often describe a similar experience: contact with other beings, feelings of safety and comfort, etc.


Sleep is a body process that allows us to detach our physical consciousness from our bodies (using the pineal gland and DMT secretions during sleep) and rest our Selves. Our consciousness is an entity not bound by a time-space continuum. It is infinite in its knowledge in the sense that our consciousness knows no bounds--when we're asleep.

But then we wake up, and just like being born to live another life, all of our consciousness-based knowledge is lost and hidden for us to encounter and find throughout the experiences of our lives.

Sleep is the physical connection to our metaphysical Selves, or that to which we are divinely connected. If we could somehow harness our consciousness in our sleep (aka lucid dreaming) then we can start to experience our unlimited powers and consciousness, and eventually manifest those powers here on Earth.

We only use a small portion of our brain... while we're awake. But sometimes we're dreaming so elaborately that we can't even shock ourselves awake using an alarm clock. The clock literally becomes part of the dream so that we fool ourselves into oversleeping. Your consciousness is not ready to come back yet. It's doing something.

I've often speculated that our dreams are separate physical extensions of our consciousnesses, or perhaps residual energetic ties to other beings' consciousness with whom we have had some sort of experience or interaction, be it earthly or metaphysical.

It's a lot to go into right now, and I know this has gotten away from me, but I implore you:

Research dream and sleep science, and the role of the pineal gland and DMT in detaching and forming consciousness. Read DMT: The Spirit Molecule by Dr. Rick Strassman -- I talked to this guy myself. He's the only doctor to ever experiment with DMT on human beings and write about it in a context of detaching consciousness from your physical existence...

...or in other words, leaving this world alive. His findings are indescribably interesting and surprisingly universal. It will definitely get you thinking outside of the box--even the universe.

In our sleep, our consciousness detaches itself from our physicality. Dimensions are opened, time and space cease to exist linearly. There is only existence. This is where our consciousness resides, inside our own minds but somehow removed from it. Sleep allows us to explore that which our dear mother Earth cannot explain or harness. On Earth, we are bound to the laws of physics because we are physical beings. But when we cease to exist as physical beings and take on a super-physical form, physics disappear and we are free to explore the universe at will--we are free to explore our minds.

Sweet dreams!

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